Our beautiful flocked tree...This year I had my heart set on a flocked tree, and Sam will tell you once I have my heart set on something there is NO changing it! (something I need to work on) Who knew it would be so much drama! I called about 10 different stores to see if they carried flock, and most of them said, " I don't know- what is flock?" I finally found some online that I could order and my mom had a flocking gun, thank goodness cause to buy the kit with the gun was like 45 bucks extra! Finally we got the flock in the mail after what seemed like forever, and what I thought would be a fun christmas activity to do together turned out to be, as Sam calls it "a flocking nightmare"! After an hour of flocking,we somehow blew up most of the bags of flock, only half of it was on the tree, the other half on the garage floor, and we were out of flock. We had to order more, wait another week for it to come, flock the rest of the tree- this time we figured out what went wrong and the flock went on the tree instead of the garage floor--after all this we could have bought a tree already flocked for probably cheaper then what we spent on the flock, but oh well, we had our beautiful flocked tree and a memory we will never forget- at least Sam won't :)
Chuck made this to help my mom hear. Do you think it will work?
Devan in his beautiful christmas sweater LOL! Becky's family was having an ugly sweater contest, I think he might win!
The swing that Sam made me for our front porch. He surprised me with it! I had no idea he was making it. Who knew I was married to such a talented guy :)
Rockwell in his new christmas beanie- he is so stinkin cute!
Our real tree that we cut down ourselves from Sam's grandpa's property up Fairview canyon. What a fun tradition this will be!
Where do I even start? It has been so long since I've blogged anything, life gets too crazy! Christmas this year was SO good--besides the part that Sam had to work.. I have felt so happy all month, and just filled with the spirit of giving ( of course at every store I was filled with the spirit of one for me, one for them- but oh well :) I really need to focus on keeping this happiness and love in my heart that I have felt all month, with me all year. I have been reflecting on family, friends, and of course the love of my saviour and have felt such overwhelming peace. I am so blessed with so many wonderful things and people in my life. I am SO blessed to have been born into a free country, into a family who loves me and takes care of me and has taught me the gospel of Jesus Christ, to be married to the man of my dreams, to have an overabundance of clothes and food and everything we could ever want or need, etc. etc. etc. Sure, our life is FAR from perfect, and we've had our share of struggles, heartache, and trials, but still we are truly blessed. I am so grateful for this time of year to remind me of that...
for all these wonderful memories, and the birth and life and sacrifice that our Savior has made for all of us so that we can continue to be with our family for all eternity! We love you and hope you had a very merry Christmas!